Maine Made And we Are Delighted!

Maine Made And we Are Delighted!

We just received membership into Maine Made and we are so delighted! "Maine Made helps to build recognition for Maine artisans and makers of products that indicate a commitment to quality and integrity." For those familiar with The Scone Goddess, and my family, you know that we strive to offer the best product. We listen to your feedback. We take note of your requests and we stay committed to quality ingredients.

The Scone Goddess is delighted to be a Maine Company. And we hope that the connection we are creating with you is as delightful! Saturdays at The United Farmers Market of Maine; Izzi's smile that is sure to delight you as she serves up samples and takes
your order. Maybe you have witnessed my husband as he fills the room with his enthusiasm for the family business. (I tell people he enters the room like a parade!) Or, maybe you are one of the many new "Scone Goddesses" that love to whip up our scone mixes for a quick Sunday morning treat. Seeing your delight is part of our story. :)

As a small business in Maine, we so appreciate and value the relationships that we continue to create as well as the support of others in the business community. We feel blessed to live and work in Maine. Thank you for helping us realize our dreams.

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